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Unseen Comprehension - 05 Alim (Mother Teresa)

Mother Teresa

মাদার তেরেসা

One of the most  famous  social workers and benevolent women of the world , Mother Teresa was born on August  26 ,1920 in Skopjee , Macedonia. her father was an Albanian builder . she had one elder brother and one elder sister . She joined The Order of the Sisters of our Lady of Loreto in Ireland when she was 18. She began her journey of India in 1928 in 1931 ,  she began to teach at a  Calcutta Girls ' High school . She  was moved to see the miserable condition of the poor and the homeless on the streets of Calcutta . She resigned the post of a teacher, pledged as a nun and  began nursing the wounded and the distressed. In 1955 , she  founded Nirmal Hriday' which means the innocent people.  She opened a home for the Dying  Destitute. She and her  companions  would bring in the people who were ,  dying on the  streets. More than 42,000  people who were dying were , brought to the 'Nirmal Hriday' She brouth them there so that they could get an environment of a hospital . She and her  companions nursed them. many of them came round . She arranged jobs for the people who would  survive . The people who died . expired in an environment of love and affection. the people who survived were sent to their homes so that they could get care and happiness. In 1953 , she started an orphanage and in 1957 she and her missionaries began to work on lepers. In 1979 , she won Nobel prize for  nursing .  She breathed her last on 5  September 1997 .

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