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Unseen Comprehension-17 Alim (Ways to get good marks in exams)

Ways to get good marks in exam.

পরীক্ষায় ভালো নম্বর পাওয়ার উপায়।

Most of our students cannot write out their examination papers fairly. As they cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bush and cram their answer with irrelevant and unnecessary details. Sometime they also fail to arrange their answer neatly,cleanly and systematically. Although the teacher suggests that their answers should be brief and precise, they often lengthen them unnecessarily. Where size does not matter at all they have a silly notion that the more they write, the more they will get marks. the reality is just the opposite; their long answers generally become disgusting and unnecessary which always earn poor marks.
In order to get expected marks, what you all should do is to understand the questions well and answer them just to the point. Don't worry, if your answers are fairly short. Be sure your sentences make sense. Above all, you need a neat presentation. While answering the short comprehension questions, your should not copy something from the text blindly. Try to answer the questions more or less in your own English. Frame your answer exactly in the same tense as on the questions are in. Don't forget to write short and simple sentences. plain and clear English is not bad.

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