Unseen Comprehension-41 Alim ( Florence Nightingale)
Florence Nightingale.
ফ্লোরেন্স নাইটিঙ্গেল।
Florence nightingale was born more than a hundred years ago. When she was a little girl, she wanted to be a nurse and to serve the sick and the wounded. But her parents did not like this and wished their daughter to stay at home with them. Florence was thirty years old when at last her parents let her go. Florence did not like easy and pleasant occupations of society and instead of going to parties she visited London hospitals and studied how sick people were nursed back to health and strength. In those days hospital nurses were very ignorant. She was shocked by the roughness and mismanagement that prevailed in those hospitals. So she went to Germany, studied nursing there and then she went to Paris. She learned there all she could about nursing. At last when she was quite certain, she had mastered her subject, she returned to England and devoted herself to the hard task of improving the hospitals. Just then a war broke out in Crimea between Russia and England. At first, people thought only of the glory of the battle and the courage of the soldiers who went out singing to their death. but dreadful stories came home of wounded men being left to die. Everybody felt that something heroic must be done to put a stop to the sufferings of the brave soldiers. It was Florence who did that. She went to Crimea with about forty nurses and in a few months she brought order and comfort into what had been utter chaos and unspeakable misery.
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