Unseen Comprehension-58 Alim (Wonder Of Modern Science And Technology.)
Wonder Of Modern Science And Technology.
বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির বিস্ময়।
The world is moving fast with the advancement of science and technology. Computer is a wonder of modern science and technology. Charles Babbaage, Professor of Mathematics, thought of this computer in 1830. But Professor Haward Aiken invented the first mechanical computer in 1944. After hat electronic computers were invented. Now computer is changing almost everyday.
There are two kinds of computers. These are Mode based and Mathematical based. The mode based are Analogue computers. In the past it was used for single purpose. The next generation of computers is mathematically based. Besides there are Digital computer, Hybrid computer and Super computer.
The Components of computer are CPU, Key-boards and mouse, monitor, printer or output device. The three parts of CPU or Central Processing Unit are memory, arithmetic logic and controlling unit. The Key-board resembles the traditional Key-board of type-writer. There are other function keys Fl to F 12 and numeric akin to a calculator key-pad. The Computer has revolutionized printing, banking and other industrial works. One can put ten years of file which can fill 20 cabincts in a small disk.
It can compose books, newspaper and reports in a great speed. It can play chess and even can play on musical instrument. Now-a-days, traffic is also controlled with the help of computers. Bangladesh has stepped into the era of computers. She has entered into INTERNET. The world of information has come to our homes. We all should learn how to operate computer as the modern world is the age of computer.
It can compose books, newspaper and reports in a great speed. It can play chess and even can play on musical instrument. Now-a-days, traffic is also controlled with the help of computers. Bangladesh has stepped into the era of computers. She has entered into INTERNET. The world of information has come to our homes. We all should learn how to operate computer as the modern world is the age of computer.
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