Seen Comprehension-01 Alim (Our Family)
Our Family
Dear Mita Apa,
I'm a first year college student and my annual exams are close at hand. I need to study a lot. However, conditions in my house are not at all favourable. My elder sister got married last month and since then her share of the household chores has fallen on my shoulders. On top of that, my aunt (my father's sister) has just had a new baby boy. He screams all the time and keeps everyone up late into the night. He keeps auntie so busy that she cannot help with any of the housework. So mother now relies a lot on me and so do my grandparents. It seems that I am at everybody's beck and call.
The house hasn't yet shed its festive look, which started with my sister's marreage. Sisnce Auntie's baby was born, we have had streams of guests visiting the house. I'm really worried about my coming exams. There's so much noise and confusion in the house that I can hardly concentrate on my studies. You can't imagine how difficult it is to study in a large family. I even have to share my room with my younger brothers and sisters and, at times, with my cousins. I wish I were in a small family. Tell me, what should I do.?
Amipur, Sirajganj.
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