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Seen Comprehension-05 Alim ( Changing trends )

Changing trends 

প্রবণতা পরিবর্তন

the present age is marked not only by the importance of the family as an economic and welfare institution but also by its increasing importance as an arrangement for socialising and raising children and for the psychological support of adults. There has been a wide disintegration of large kin groups and an intensification of relationships within the nuclear family. Moreover, the world is seeing an increasing association of women with earning and out-of-home activities. In the pre-industrial feudal society, both husbands and wives worked in the fields outside the home. However, in the industrial period, women were segregated from out-of-home productive work. The hearth became the place for them, so cooking, cleaning, washing, giving birth and rearing children became their jobs. Men became the wage-earners and all other outdoor activities became their responsibility. 
In the post-war period, women started joining the workforce, contributing to family income, and thus started exercising an influence on family affairs. previously, authority in the family rested on the husband who was the decision-maker in all matters. But women, with their economic power, started influencing decisions about important family matters. In developed countries now, household work is shared by both husbands and wives, and outdoor activities like shopping and taking children to school, to doctors or for recreation are done equally by both husbands and wives. Large extended families have given, and are still giving place to small, nuclear families.
Even in developing countries, with the process of industrialisation and urbanisation, extended families are breaking down. Kinship is declining. In the west, narriages now often break up. So, the number of single- mother or single father families is ever on the increase. The psychological problems of children in such families are also increasing in modern times.

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