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Seen Comprehension - 22 Alim

Problems we face 

Bangladesh is a small country but has a huge population. Most people here live below the poverty line and cannot therefore afford to educate their children. Many poor children either drop out of school after just a few years or simply do not go to school at all. Despite this situation, we have far too many students to educate compared to the number of institutions available. Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students. But owing to financial and resource constraints, the Government cannot fund the requisite number of educational institutions. At present, every educational institutions is over-crowded and class size is unusually large. As facilities in these institutions are poor, students do not get a standard education. Moreover, many educational institutions in Bangladesh are troubled with politics and violence. Sometimes institutions are closed down to avoid clashes between rival groups of students. Such closures badly affect academic progress.                                          

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