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Unseen Comprehension-44 Alim (Corruption of Bangladesh)

Corruption Of Bangladesh

বাংলাদেশের দুর্নীতি।

Corruption is a major problem in the third world countries but it has been the burning question in Bangladesh. The list of the countries having rampant corruption, is headed by Bangladesh for several years. Transparency International found it as the most corrupted country. According to TIB's (Transparency International of Bangladesh) report, due to corruption only in 2001, the country lost an amount of 11,256 crores taka. 
This report clarifies that from top to bottom all the servants of the republic are involved with corruption, and tendency of corruption is observed mostly among the political leaders and class one officers. However, this is a humiliating condition for us as a nation. It has spoilt out image in home and abroad. Where there is an absence of strong moral conviction, people take path of corruption. Corruption may be defined as the consciousness of realizing one's interest illegally. Taking bribe, nepotism, malpractice of power are the forms of corruption. However, time has changed. With the same parade of the present government, all the people should voice against corruption. Only our honest approches can reinforce the government to ensure the good governence.

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