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Unseen Comprehension-45 Alim (Caretaker Government)

Caretaker Government.

তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার।

Caretaker Government is a fairly recent concept for conducting free, fair and neutral election after completion the tenure of an elected government. It is such kind of government which is unbiased and neutral in nature and is formed for an interim period. In other words, after a government complete its tenure the govt. Which assumes the power during the interim period to run the normal activities of the state neutrally without taking any decision in any fundamental principle till another govt. is known to be a Caretaker Government. The Caretaker Government is formed with the learned and patriotic  people who can excute state without any sentiment or whim shown in the activities of the political government. In the process of change of the situation in the political system of Bangladesh, the system of the Caretaker Government was introduced in the month of December of 1990 and the 5th National parliament Election was held in 1991 under the Caretaker Government. It was given constitutional recognition by thirteenth amendment of constitution in the 6th National Parliament Session held on march 25, 1996 , According to this bill, the latest retired chief justice will be the chief of the Caretaker Government and he will be entitled as Chief Advisor. The Caretaker Govt. is formed with ten Advisers that is led by the Chief Adviser. All the state functions re run by the body of the Caretaker Government. In the political perspective of Bangladesh. for free, fair, proper and transparent election, the concept of Caretaker Government is very much praiseworthy. As an interim govt. the Caretaker Government system plays a vary positive role in establishing democracy in Bangladesh.

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